Our goal is and our passion is to help people live healthier and happier lives.

Wellness is the state or condition of being in good physical and mental health.

We felt overwhelmed navigating the world of alternative therapies and wellness.  There were so many options and choices.  When we opened our store, we wanted to teach and provide the SIMPLE basics…as those are the KEYS to restoring health and vitality.  EVERYTHING in our store is something we would, or have taken, or currently use.  EVERYTHING in our store is a product we feel totally confident in recommending.

We won’t sell junk or inferior products.  We won’t promote information that is misleading or full of hype.

We have a SIMPLE APPROACH to help you…The Seven Simple Steps to Health and Wellness.

Years ago we ate the SAD way (Standard American Diet) and lived an average lifestyle.  We visited the doctor a lot with the normal illnesses, had lots of dental cavities, used and relied on prescription medication, suffered with depression, anxiety, weight gain that we were unable to lose, chronic pain, excessive tiredness, frustration with raising children, and PMS.  We had illnesses that doctors couldn’t figure out.  At 29 years old, Kally could hardly get off the ground – let alone play with the children. She was tired all the time and she was overweight.  Mark was 34 and on several prescriptions from indigestion to allergies.   We had a daughter that passed out a lot, a son with night terrors and depression, children with terrible colic, hyper kids, ADHD and anger issues.

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We are both scientifically minded.  Kally originally went to school in aerospace engineering. She believed Western, modern medical science was the best there was.  But something in our gut said there were other solutions; that the body was designed to heal, regenerate and be whole.  So with our scientific investigative mind, we sought out alternative therapies.  We knew instinctively there were answers.

We went from the ‘sick care’ lifestyle and industry to a ‘WELLNESS LIFESTYLE’.  Our passion is to help you Get Real and bridge the gap to a joy-filled passionate life with good health and vitality;  Get real information, wellness tips, and health care products;  Get real toys that inspire creativity and imagination.

We have 7 children; the first half were raised in the Standard American Way and we had the standard results; frequent doctor visits and sick kids, passing illness around, behavior issues, and more.  We changed our whole approach and lifestyle and we got fantastic results.  Not only did our kids health improve, but the younger kids never had any of the standard issues.  We saw results.

The younger kids have actually never been to the doctor for sickness.  They get an occasional cold and normal childhood illnesses, but nothing that requires a doctor’s care.  We haven’t been to a doctor in over 15 years for anything more than broken bones…not because we don’t like them, but because we haven’t been that sick.  Everyone got off their prescription meds, including the ones for indigestion and allergies.  We now throw away unopened bottles of pain meds because they have expired.  We are now in our 50’s (and we’re proud of it).  We have more health, vitality and energy than ever before. Kally doesn’t suffer from chronic pain or PMS.  As you can see, we have no shortage of children who have become our greatest proof of success.

We started this business years ago because family and friends saw the difference and wanted help.  So our dining room was always full of people asking questions.  We then turned the baby room into an office.  In 2009 we opened our store Indigo Mountain in Safford, AZ.

Indigo Mtn Store with Sunset   We help people everyday people navigate the Wellness industry and find what works for them.  We are not extremists and we don’t do fads. Everything we sell and carry in our store, we would use and take ourselves.  We still work together in the store…it’s a family-run business.

We added toys to the store because of a need for quality toys for our own children.  We wanted toys that would help inspire passion and imagination of growing minds.  We found that good health-not only includes taking care of the body-but relaxing, having hobbies (helps with stress), play time, and imagination time contributed to a better quality of life.

We strive to meet the needs of each individual customer.  We really appreciate you telling your friends about us.

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Kally Efros – Wellness Coach, Certified LifeLine Practitioner, Master Color Code Trainer and Wellness Speaker

Kally is the mother of 7 children.   She was born and raised in Safford, AZ.  She attended Arizona State University, studying aerospace engineering.  At the age of 30, she found her true passion in the field of alternative health care and went back to school.  She is Certified Touch for Health Practitioner, Certified LifeLine Technique Practitioner, and is an Aromatherapist.  Kally volunteers in the community as the local Bountiful Baskets Coordinator, Boy Scouts volunteer, is active in her church, and many other community events.  She loves music and is an accomplished pianist.  In the 1990’s, Kally teamed up with a local violinist, and during the holidays, entertained locals in South Lake Tahoe, CA on the piano.  She previously owned a franchise called Sunshine Generations, teaching children performing, singing and dancing skills.  She has also taught piano.  Mark and Kally previously partnered with a friend who owned and operated a local diner in Collierville, TN called the Pink Flamingo.

Kally has been working with clients for over 19 years.   In 2009 we opened Indigo Mountain in Safford, AZ to expand our services and options.   The world of natural health has grown over the years and can be confusing with so much information out there.  We teach you how to use health and wellness information to support you and your families.  Everything we recommend we would or do take ourselves.   We do the research and help you get only what you need and avoid the pushy sales gimmicks.  People have come to rely on Kally’s expertise and simple approach to wellness.  Many appreciate her non-nonsense attitude.  If what you need most is more water – she’ll tell you that and help you find ways to get more water that work with you.  She will never sell you something if you don’t need it.  You won’t find fads around here either.  We take our time and research trends and new products and service.  Be sure to check out testimonials from our customers and clients.

Mark Efros – Toy Master, Business Consultant, Master Color Code Trainer, and Motivational Speaker

Mark has 7 children.  He was born and raised in Phoenix, AZ.  He attended Arizona State University, majoring in Chemical Engineering.  He found his career in the hotel business where he worked for several different hotel brands as General Manager and as a corporate executive over operations, sales and human resources.  Mark ultimately received his bachelor’s degree in Business Management and is fluent in both English and Spanish.  He owned a consulting company specializing in Human Resources and Compensation for hotels and hospitals.  He loves travel and theater.


“If you want to relax, watch the clouds pass by if you’re laying on the grass, or sit in front of the creek; just doing nothing and having those still moments is what really rejuvenates the body…”

Take some time. Treat yourself. You deserve it.

Book a treatment this month and receive a 25% on all further treatments.

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