Play is important to healthy brain development

Play time is essential for healthy brain and self growth and development because it provides opportunities to explore, learn, and practice essential skills. Playing helps children learn problemsolving and communication, and build physical and cognitive skills and foster creativity.  It also allows them to develop social skills and emotional intelligence through interactions with peers and adults.  There are many games developed that are fun that young and old can play together.  

Play is a means by which children develop their physical, intellectual, emotional, social, and moral capacities. It is a means of creating and preserving friendships. It also provides a state of mind that, in adults as well as children, is uniquely suited for high-level reasoning, insightful problem solving, and all sorts of creative endeavors.

We always play games when we get together and create lots of memories and teach skills to the younger generation.  Our children remember fondly how their Grandma Ruby would often play games with them, but she never “let” them win.  They had to earn a win and when they did – they felt like champions.

Oh, did we mention FUN!

Play time can also help children build selfesteem and confidence. Through play, children can explore and practice different roles, test out ideas, and build resilience. This can help them learn how to make decisions, solve problems, and adapt to different situations.

  • Play is self-chosen and self-directed; players are always free to quit.

  • Play is activity in which means are more valued than ends.

  • Play is guided by mental rules.

  • Play is non-literal, imaginative, marked off in some way from reality.

  • Play involves an active, alert, but non-stressed frame of mind.

Finally, play time is important for healthy brain and selfgrowth and development because it can help children develop a positive attitude. Through play, children can learn to have fun, to be kind to others, and to be resilient and flexible in the face of adversity. This can help them navigate the world with confidence and a positive attitude. In short, play time is essential for healthy brain and selfgrowth and development because it encourages exploration, creativity, and socialemotional skills. It can also help children build selfesteem, practice problemsolving, and develop a positive attitude.

Lev S. Vygotsky, “The Role of Play in Development,” in M. Cole, V. John-Steiner, S. Scribner, & E. Souberman (Eds.). Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes, 92-104. (1978, original essay published in 1933).

We are always on the lookout for fun and imaginative games for all ages.  You’ll find a puzzle always on a table at The Armour’s Hotel, and games are all around that we play or the guests do.  The gift shop at The Armour’s has some games, toys and puzzles for sale.

Family Game Time

Play also encourages children to use their imaginations and explore their creativity. By trying out new ideas and experimenting with materials, children can develop their own unique style of play. This can help them gain a better understanding of the world around them and how things work, and it can also help them develop new skills, such as understanding cause and effect.

Imagination is a key ingredient to human development. For children, it is a powerful tool that helps them to make sense of the world, to express their feelings, and to create and explore ideas. Imagination allows children to discover new perspectives and develop problemsolving skills. It also helps them to build communication skills and create relationships with others. For adults, imagination can help to reduce stress, increase creativity, and boost creativity. Imagination can also help adults to discover new ways of looking at things and to open up new possibilities.