Many people ask why they need vitamins and supplements these days.

The answer is simple; ‘To bridge the gap between what you SHOULD eat and what you DO eat.’

healthy living made easier

We don’t live in a perfect world these days, because of this many people don’t have access to farm fresh fruits, vegetables and healthy food options.  Most of us are constantly on the go and don’t take the time to eat well.  So, the next best way to nourish our bodies for peak performance is with natural and bioavailable supplements – providing essential nutrients fof optimal health with high quality vitamins and supplements.

Dietary supplements include vitamins, fish oil, herbs, minerals like calcium, and more.  And if you take vitamins, you’re not alone.  About half of the adults in the United States do.  Food is the best way to get your vitamins and minerals.  But, when you don’t have access to or time to eat enough fresh veggies, fruits, whole grains, and other healthy options, a multivitamin can be a safe way to boost your nutrients and improve your health.  Because, there are times you may need an extra boost of nutrients.  Our favorite options are whole food supplements and nutrition – meaning they are not isolated nutrients and include more life supporting nutrients.

Herbal vitamins and supplements help to make sure you get enough essential nutrients to maintain or improve your health. We’ve studied and tried many products.  We are constantly checking quality and learning more about wellness and health.  As a result, we offer safe and well-established lines of supplements from companies like Dr. Christopher’s, Desseret Biologicals, Nutri-West, Cellfoods, Green Foods Barley Supplements and Nature’s Sunshine.  Many of our products cannot be listed on our website, so please contact us for specilized nutrition.

Some of our recommened favorite products

real nutrition Juice Plus

Our favorite whole food vitamins and supplements come from Juice Plus+.  Why?  Juice Plus+ contains a wide variety of plant based ingredients from 30 different fruits, vegetables and berries.  And with the Healthy Starts for Family, we receive FREE Juice Plus+ for our children.  Ask me how you can participate.  Their products come in capsules or high quality and delicous gummies (with non of the bad stuff to make a gummy).  We love the Juice Plus+ Omega Blend, it is sourced from plants and algea making them a great alternative to fish oil capsules.

Green Foods Barley Grass

Green Magma Barley Grass and Magma Plus are more of our favorites.  For over 40 years, Green Foods has been a world-wide leader.  Dr. Hagiwara’s Green Magma is a highly nutritious, mildly alkaline powder made from organic barley grass juice.  It is backed by over 40 years of scientific research and consumer satisfaction.  Don’t forget about your pets either.  Sometimes they need pet vitamins and supplements too.  We love Green Foods Barley for Cats and Barley for Dogs full of nutrients targeted just for them.

Learn more about all our supplements and products that we find beneficial for our home and family.

Vitamins & Supplements