EVOX Perception Reframing

EVOX Perception Reframing

Change Your Perceptions ~ Change Your Life

How EVOX perception reframing works

The EVOX creates a visual map of one’s perception about a specific topic such as health, relationships, work, athletic performance, or any aspect of life they would like to improve.

The clients speaks about this topic and the EVOX records the energy of the voice. The voice energy is plotted into a Perception Index, which gives the client a visual image of their perception.

Most perceptions are static

Clinical trials show that most perceptions are static. This becomes undesirable when perceptions are in any way dysfunctional.

In the case of relationships, a person may repeatedly attract destructive behaviors. This is the result of a static perception that perpetuates dysfunctional outcomes regardless of a conscious desire for a healthier relationship.

Change your perceptions, change your life

In the EVOX, a static perception can be reflected when speaking about a single topic multiple times that results in a Perception Index that is the same or similar. With the EVOX system, it is possible to quickly and painlessly shift, or reframe, perception at both a conscious and subconscious level. Perception reframing allows for a more mature or functional reality, and can be used to improve any aspect of life, including personal health, interpersonal relationships, and performance.


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