• Basil, Wild

    Basil (India) Ocimum basilicum
  • Petitgrain Bigarade

    Petitgrain Bigarade, Organic (Italy) Citrus aurantium var. amara Traditional uses of Petitgrain Bigarade essential oil include support for the respiratory, muscular, cardiovascular, immune, digestive, and nervous systems of the body.
  • Cypress

    Cypress, Wild (France) Cupressus sempervirens The woodsy scent is said to be grounding and to help with concentration and focus and to help gather scattered thoughts. It helps us cope with change and brings about a sense of stability even in the face of change. It soothes the nervous system during times of stress and helps strengthen the psyche. It is particularly comforting for those mourning the death of a loved one.
  • Lemongrass

    Lemongrass, Wild (India)  Cymbopogon flexuosus
  • Freedom Plus

    Contains: White Cedar, Lemongrass, Peppermint, Black Cumin, Helichrysum and Black Pepper. Freedom synergy with lemongrass oil for a more attractive smell and a more manageable consistency.
  • Tagetes

    Tagetes, Wild (India) Tagetes erecta
  • Niaouli

    Niaouli "cineole", Wild (Australia)  Melaleuca quinquenervia
  • Ho Wood

    Ho Wood, Wild (China) Cinnamomum camphora
  • Pennyroyal

    Pennyroyal, Organic (Morocco) Micromeria fruticosa L.
  • Palmarosa

    Palmarosa, Wild (Nepal)  Cymbopogon martini var. motia
  • Fennel Seed, Sweet

    Fennel Seed, Sweet, Organic (Turkey) Foeniculum vulgare Miller
  • Clove Bud

    Clove Bud, Organic (Madagascar) Eugenia caryophyllata 
  • Eucalyptus, Gully Gum

    Eucalyptus, Gully Gum, Wild (Australia) Eucalyptus smithii Traditionally used for long term protection, increasing the capacity to resist infections. Supports the respiratory system, immune system and joint function.
  • Ginger

    Ginger, Organic (Vietnam) Zingiber officinale
  • Eucalyptus, Lemon Balm

    Eucalyptus, Lemon Balm, Wild (Brazil) Eucalyptus stageriana
  • Eucalyptus, Peppermint

    Peppermint Eucalyptus essential oil (Eucalyptus dives) is traditionally used to support the functions of the body like the kidneys. Also supports the  respiratory, muscular, endocrine, genito-urinary, reproductive and nervous systems.
  • Fir Needles

    Fir Needles, Silver/White (Austria) Abies alba
  • Spearmint

    Spearmint (USA) Mentha spicata
  • Cedarwood Atlas

    Cedarwood Atlas, Wild (Morocco) Cedrus atlantica
  • Lime

    Lime, Organic (Mexico - Pressed Peel) Citrus aurantifolia
  • Spruce

    Spruce (Canada) Tsuga canadensis
  • Neem

    Neem, Wild (India - Pressed Peel) Azadirachta indica
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